
Realization Design is me.

I specialize in tricky, small to medium size projects in architecture art or whathaveyou, especially things with mechanical elements. I am best when it isn't apparent how or who to design and make a thing. I could be part of your team or bring the whole enchilada. If there is a specialist that does the exact thing you need, call them, that is not me. My extensive experience in manufacturing and the building industry assures unique yet practical solutions. I am experienced in traditional and new manufacturing technologies, such as rapid prototyping.

I like to be in the brainstorming stage, where I can provide ideas, models, and shop drawings. My eclectic perspective may help avoid a mistake or reveal new options. I get things made or make them myself. I have a lot of experience with a lot of different stuff. Over the years, I have designed shipping fixtures for priceless sculptures (and sometimes the art itself), specified material for jet fighters, and made a 1600-pound glass wall disappear into a bathroom floor.

And that is a terrible description for a business.

I am lucky because I love my work. I get satisfaction from creating novel solutions and making real things that serve a purpose or look a certain way. I approach every project, no matter how big or small, regarding what has been done before and how it can be done smarter or better. The feeling is not unlike unlocking a puzzle. Often I am asked to create something entirely new, so each decision is considered with regard to the final whole —every detail for a purpose.

My expertise might be in engineering, but I consider myself a designer. My technical knowledge generates a lot of options, but often my most valuable contribution is creativity. My process is contemplative, where I try out a range of ideas in my mind, on paper, or the computer. Exploring each solution to find a fundamental weakness or discovering unforeseen advantages. Typically the best solution is the simplest. 

My career began with years of building construction, including youthful times doing high-rise and underground work and later with fine architectural homes where I learned most building trades. I spent another period in manufacturing, managing several engineering and design departments. I was fortunate to learn mass production, job shop manufacturing, and custom fabrication. I have worked with medical, aerospace, and manufacturing engineers and world-class artists and architects.


Really Random Stuff About Bryan

Certified Scuba
Alpine Ski instructor
Instrument rated pilot
Licensed Building contractor
Recognized by LA Conservancy
I met Cary Grant once, he was in his bathrobe.
